On Monday August 19th at 11:26am PST/2:26pm EST, the Sun and Moon oppose each other in an Aquarius Super Full Moon as we close out Leo season.
This lunation is mixed in with Mercury retrograde in the light of the Sun, a difficult aspect between Venus, Saturn, and the active Jupiter-Mars conjunction, and it creates a difficult aspect to Uranus.
There is a LOT going on in the sky and the energy is highly unstable, but it's also a huge invitation into our individual authenticity and truth. This full moon is going to be intensely felt by all, but especially those that have fixed energy (in the later degrees of Scorpio, Taurus, Leo & Aquarius) or early degrees of mutable energy (Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius).
Aquarius versus Leo Polarity
The water bearer (Aquarius) energy is rebellious and revolutionary, and reminds us that our unique individuality is what creates the future we envision. Its rulership by Saturn and Uranus tells us that this sign is here to break through conditioning - to release outmoded structures and to create radical change. Aquarius energy speaks to individuation, to becoming who we truly are, rather than acting and behaving how we have been programmed to do by our society, family, culture, and organized religion. This Full Moon is here to close out an old era and narrative. On the other side of this lunation - we will no longer be defined by our past stories or beliefs in the ways we may have been leading up to it.
While Aquarius represents the collective, Leo represents the individual. As with all full moons, this polarity of Self versus Others brings to light the ways we individually contribute to the creation of the world we want to see. Leo, ruled by the Sun (life force, creative energy), represents our creative potential. This lunation asks how we are actively stepping into our unique purpose to co-create what we desire in life? Leo energy is playful and led by the heart. If we are not heart-led in our purpose… if what we do with our life force energy doesn’t light up our hearts - then it’s not who we came here to be.
The Leo/Aquarius polarity teaches us something I firmly believe with my whole being: that each person on this earth chose to be here at this crucial time in the evolution of human consciousness in order to offer their unique gifts to the world. ‘Being your authentic Self’ might sound like a cliche new age phrase that gets thrown around easily - but it’s never been more important than now. This full moon is here to illuminate ways that you may use your life force that is out of alignment with what truly lights you up. The good news is that it’s never too late to change and act out of more authenticity and courage.
Moon opposite Mercury Retrograde in Leo
Leo wants us to be boldly ourselves, because when we are heart-led in the way that we show up, we can manifest what we desire. As Mercury retrograde meets with the Sun in Leo, opposing the Aquarius full moon, our subconscious thought and communication patterns are brought to the surface.
With Leo highlighted, the topic of authenticity is illuminated, as this energy asks that we boldly express our truth, which may require lots of courage at this time. Simultaneously with the Aquarius/Leo polarity at play, we're encouraged to find the balance between the head and the heart - showing up with an open heart, but detached from the outcome; understanding that the connections and communities that are truly for us will never reject our authentic selves.
This axis teaches us the importance of standing in our wholeness and authenticity - not in an arrogant, egocentric way - but in a way that creates genuine connections to other human beings and inspires them to do the same. By doing so, we create communities that respect & celebrate the importance of individuality in our collective, but also always have the well-being of the collective at heart. Not at the cost of its own well being in an altruistic way, but in an effort to find the balance - because what is best for you is also best for the collective, and vice versa.
Saturn Retrograde Opposite Venus & Squaring Jupiter-Mars Conjunction
The Jupiter-Mars conjunction in Gemini has been active for the last few weeks already, but it peaked on August 14, which simultaneously made a difficult aspect to the traditional ruler of Aquarius, Saturn (currently retrograde in Pisces) and Venus (currently in Virgo). Over the coming months, Saturn will re-create this difficult aspect to Jupiter in Gemini, bringing some potential setbacks to the achievement of the large-scale vision we might have for ourselves.