Freedom from past beliefs & limitations.

I know everyone and their mother told you that Pluto shifted into Aquarius for good in 2024, but that moment has not yet come! As of Sept 2nd (on the same day as the Virgo new moon!), Pluto (currently retrograde) will re-enter Capricorn for one final time during the span of this lifetime (Sept 2 - Nov 20) before re-entering Aquarius (for good) until 2044.
Those with placements in the cardinal signs (Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, Libra) are going to finally integrate lessons that they have been unearthing and learning since Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008. And if this isn’t you - you’re still VERY much being affected by this energy, so I encourage you to take a look at what house Capricorn occupies in your chart to see where this is affecting you.
Pluto Unearths Wisdom & Gold
Pluto is the force of evolution, the alchemist, and the catalyst of our deepest emotional and psychological transformation.
He is associated with the Greek god, Hades, meaning “The Unseen One”. Since minerals and precious metals are found underground, Ancient Greeks often referred to Hades as Plouton – namely, “The Wealth-Giver," which is closely associated with Hades' Roman equivalent, called Pluto.
Pluto is connected to all death and rebirth processes. Through death & decay, he bestows upon us the wealth of new life. From the ashes, the phoenix rises anew. The processes of death and birth have one thing in common: they are both irreversible - there is no going back when Pluto’s force is present.
As the further planet from Earth, representing the unseen world, Pluto energy highlights all that we suppress or hide, usually out of fear or shame. He shows us how we give our power away by suppressing our shadows, and therefore asks us to reclaim it by stepping into our wholeness, owning our darkest, subconscious parts. You can learn more about Pluto's dance between Capricorn & Aquarius in this episode of the Astrobloom podcast.
Pluto's Journey Through Capricorn

Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, and with it brought the collapse of the housing market, exposing the corruption, greed, and inequality in our systems. Through this transit, we have collectively been witnessing the breakdown of traditional hierarchies and symbols of authority, decay of old systems, and the destruction of social structures and institutions we used to rely upon. As Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn from Sept to Nov - the final unearthing takes place. Not only collectively, but also personally:
During this time, I encourage you to reflect deeply on how you might outsource your power to outdated systems of authority? What external conditioning are you tearing down? Where are you being called to take your power back?
As Pluto remains in a harmonious aspect to both Neptune and Uranus during this last journey through Capricorn, this energy is about dissolving and breaking free from the past and from illusion. The gift of this energy is that it’s incredibly liberating, forward-thinking and life-changing. Life will not be the same after we have finally completed this Pluto Capricorn transit. BUT, the challenge is that we have to be willing to see whatever unpredictable and challenging events unfold as opportunities for deeper alignment with our soul’s truth. Outer planets such as these only come together in these ways seldom times in our lifetime, and it is up to us whether we see their energy & occurrences as a gift or as a curse. To remain a victim of circumstance is not how we work with this energy. It invites us into deeper reflection on what lurks on our own shadows that has us manifesting the reality we find ourselves in - everything outside of you is just a mirror to this truth.
Pluto's Shift into Aquarius

With its shift to Aquarius, Pluto will unearth both the dark and light aspects of this archetype, and signals another major progression into the Age of Aquarius.
Pluto's last two transits through Aquarius saw revolutionary advancements in technology, several revolutions (American & French), the Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution, and a variety of radical and lasting changes in social order, social organization, and human rights.
Prior to that, Pluto was in Aquarius in 1532 – 1553, when Henry VIII overruled the Catholic Church and set up the Church of England so he could marry Anne Boleyn. He seized the assets and power back from the church, which speaks to Pluto in Aquarius capacity to tear down societal structures & redistribute power.
While this energy speaks to the wealth that awaits: mass shifts in consciousness, vast technological advancements, and the redistribution of power to more equal, humanitarian systems, it will also likely highlight dystopian agendas, raise ethical concerns around technological advancements, and highlight dissociation from the body.
Pluto’s transit through Aquarius is an invitation for us to embrace a deeper sense of personal responsibility and become our own authority.
So What Is Pluto's Last Waltz Through Capricorn Asking of Us?

These last few months in Capricorn asks us to surrender to fate as we work to break free from conditioning, bonds and ways of relating that keep us divorced from our power, unaligned with our values, and make us lose our sense of identity in others.
Personally, I have received so much potent insight into my relationship to my self worth and the things that I assign value as Pluto moves through my second house (associated with these topics) for the final time since 2008. I’m learning to finally take my power back with how I show up in relationships, recognizing that my energy is precious and not everyone inherently deserves it. Similarly, this is ultimately related to the physical security I’m able to manifest for myself, which is a lot of what I've also been learning about and unearthing as Pluto now moves into a square to my natal Venus for the next few years - all things money, relationships and self worth are about to transform in an even more radical way.
I hope this gives you some insight into the journey you've been on since 2008, and how you can find deeper authenticity and power in your life. This is a time to clear past karma, take charge of our emotional and spiritual development, and deepen our awareness of our true desires.
Take care,
xx Vanja